Because the Performing Arts matter

Take 12 minutes to hear Ben Cameron speak on the healing properties of the arts. Happy Sunday!

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  1. Tweets that mention Because the Performing Arts matter « The Power of Slow --

    September 26, 2010 at 10:23 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christine Hohlbaum, Christine Hohlbaum. Christine Hohlbaum said: Because the Performing Arts matter: Take 12 minutes to hear Ben Cameron speak on the healing properties of the art… […]

  2. Laura Lee

    September 29, 2010 at 8:44 am

    Thought provoking, but I disagree with the statement that “the means of artistic production have been democratized for the first time in all of human history.” In fact, I would argue that the non-democratization of artistic production is a modern phenomenon, mostly dating back to recording of artistic works and mechanical means of recording and distribution. For most of human history artistic production consisted of telling stories or dancing or singing songs within a community, around the fire, at church gatherings. Anyone who wished to participate could. That amateurs can be involved in arts is actually a return to our roots, not something new and unprecedented.

    1. powerofslow

      September 29, 2010 at 9:12 am


      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Coming from amateur theater myself, I agree that people have always been able to broadly participate in the arts on some level. However, the Internet has allowed everyone to star in the movie of their own making; one click on proves that. As a result, artistic expression is once again becoming a part of our every day lives. Through whichever medium we choose, art lives on. It’s the connective tissue that binds us all and its truth is more powerful than fear.

      Appreciate your thoughts immensely. Keep them coming!

      Warm regards,

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