Slow Acting: Part II

Gabrielle Scharnitzky offered the most amazing weekend acting workshop I’ve ever attended. The heart of acting is about coming from a pure state of truth. The slow comes in realizing things come more quickly to us, the things we truly desire, when we slow down. […]

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One sock at a time

Yesterday I had the unique opportunity to do an impromptu coaching session with a young economics student who had a hard time keeping on top of his laundry. We were on set at a soap opera; he played an orderly, I a doctor. While waiting […]

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…and Action!

Multitasking is a nightmare for anyone who loves her concentration. Maybe it has something to do with my getting older, but I really like to do one thing well rather than try to do three things at once with less regard for the outcome. Today […]

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Just Another Hour…

The phone jangled me awake this morning. I decided to sleep in after a massive headache told me I’d better. The good news is my headache was gone by the time my friend called an hour later. She was calling to tell me she had read about a […]

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