Basking in the unfolding

What is it about a new year that brings our desire for sweeping change? Afriend of mine showed me her list of intentions this year. When she asked me what mine were, I gave her a single answer. “It is the Year of the Narrative.” She asked what it meant, and I attempted to explain. In truth, I am not certain what it looks like specifically. And I don’t have the desire to define it further than that. I am relying on my intuition to guide me to that which is true.

It may seem like a cop out. After all, so much of our world is about control. Controlling our weight; controlling our fate. But oddly I don’t have the need to control what happens, but rather a sincere desire to bask in the unfolding.

Something about the new year drives me to clear away the old (Christmas decorations included!). Books that once claimed an inalienable right on my shelves have withered into unimportance. Clothes that I once treasured have found their way into the recycling bin.

Transience. Everything shifts back to the source at one time or another. Even as I write these lines, the snow my son is vigorously shoving off the porch in veils of white will soon return to the heavens.

So while many have written resolutions to abide by, I make the single claim that time is my friend for as long as I have it.

Everything else shall pass.

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  1. John Marine

    January 6, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    fab-fab-fab- fabulous- everything shall pass!! fabulous- time is just the moment you are in – all else passes- I would tell everybody – go back to where you were the happiest- the most content — the most serene- – go back to that place- EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is all changed and the past feelings and thoughts have all changed – amazing – the point – slow down and suck up the moment == because the moment will pass= it will be different in the next moment- adjust – adapt – overcome- look forward but do not try to predict the future- it si just an illusion – a dream – a wish – the pats is gonegonegone- the future is an illusion and a dream – the moment is all that you have – sooooooooooooooooooooo suck it up and be here now only – thats it for the day – good luck to all – my best – John R

    1. powerofslow

      January 6, 2011 at 4:25 pm

      What great energy you have! Yes, this too shall pass!

  2. Willow Drinkwater

    January 7, 2011 at 4:32 am

    I love the phrase, “basking in the unfolding.” I, too, am having a year of observing the wonder of it all. Thanks for all you do for others.

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