The Year the Light Came Early

The light spilled through the slits in the rolled-down shades. As my eyelids flipped back to greet the new day, I sensed something was different. The tunnel of dust that pillared from the sunbeam arching downward to meet the wooden floor told me the world […]

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The year is ending. A new page will turn tomorrow. A new number to remember when we date letters, checks or memories. We ascribe meaning to the flip of the calendar. It gives us a sense of renewal, of hope to do things differently. To […]

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Naming the Year

A new start, a new year, a new opportunity to do things a little differently. Saying goodbye to 2013 was a blessing. It meant truly putting in the past what belongs there. In contrast, welcoming in a New Year is often as joyous as the […]

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New Year, New Pace

My gift to you for 2012 is a new pace of life, one that matches the beat of your resting, not racing, heart. Get your free eBook today, “21 Ways to Slow Down NOW!” and let this new year flow with slow!

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Basking in the unfolding

What is it about a new year that brings our desire for sweeping change? Afriend of mine showed me her list of intentions this year. When she asked me what mine were, I gave her a single answer. “It is the Year of the Narrative.” […]

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Happy New Year!

Are you ready to embrace 2011 for all it’s worth? As my gift to you, I offer you a 10-week wisdom course on learning how to embrace the power of slow. You will receive 10 one-minute audio messages to remind you how others have found […]

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