Slow Food Meets Big Business

Ecological food production is typically viewed as a local family run-type enterprise, nothing matching the grand scale of a multinational corporation. So it seemed dubious when I received an invitation to a February 2nd event sponsored by the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York on slow food and big business. Were they for real?

Apparently, yes. The location of the event is PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, 300 Madison Avenue, PwC Auditorium, SW Corner of42nd Street.

That got my attention for sure.

Their flyer states: “In an era of destructive agribusiness, a growing number of committed sustainable food leaders are defying the odds. Join us as our panel explores the challenges and future trends in ecological food production and shares their stories from small beginnings to achieving scale.”

Now since I won’t be in New York for the event itself, I am curious as to what they have to say. The mere fact that these food leaders are getting together says a lot about the public dialogue today. They are listening. My hope is that it’s not just lip service to a very severe problem: climate change and dwindling ecological resources because we just have to have that exotic fruit that was shipped from one hemisphere to the next. Sustainability, folks. Now there’s a concept!

The event will be moderated by David Barber, Co-Owner Blue Hill, Board Member, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture. The panelists themselves include:

  • Gary Hirshberg, Chairman, President and CE-Yo, Stonyfield Farm
  • Josh Viertel, President, Slow Food USA
  • Mark Crumpacker, Chief Marketing Officer, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.

Don’t you just love Gary’s description. He’s not an acronym. He’s the CE-YO!  If Josh Viertel is there, it feels more credible. Like we really do want to eat according to the seasons, not according to what’s en vogue.

Other Exclusive Extras

  • Experienced executive coaches for valuable ideas and advice, featuring Win Sheffield
  • Gary Hirshberg will sign his book Stirring it Up: How to Make Money and Save the World

You can register here

If you go, will you let me know what it was like? I’m curious.


  1. Jonell Galloway

    January 27, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information!

  2. willowdrinkwater

    January 27, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Gordonsville is going to become Gardensville if Feed My Sheep has anything to do with it. Got a wonderful post from my friend, Linda Childs about the Incredible Edible movement in Todmorgen, England, and hope to visit there when we are in England. It’s all about educating, growing, harvesting local foods consumed on site.
    Going to start with my Gordonsville Circle property – visible to 26,000 cars a day. Thanks for your wonderful blog! Wish I could be in NY that day, but will be lobbying in Richmond for the United Methodist Women Social Justice movement.

    1. powerofslow

      January 28, 2012 at 11:03 am

      What a great idea! Please post about the movement on my Power of Slow Facebook page.

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