A Return to Love

When did life turn into a game of Whack-a-Mole? If you switch on the news for even a moment, it’s as if the entire world has turned into a thwacking, walloping, hectic machine. We’re dodging and hopping and pummeling against an elusive something. We argue. […]

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The Art of Mindful Space Management

If your energy is flagging, take a look at your surroundings. Your exterior reflects your interior. If you have piles of junk stacked high around your workspace, you could equate the energy it is siphoning off of you with a two-ton elephant doing the same. […]

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Embracing the Every Day Life

Sometimes in order to appreciate what you have, you must walk away from it for a while. Your every day life, from which you depart whilst on vacation, for instance, is a beautiful thing because it gives you structure, which gives you meaning. And with […]

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Where Surrender Lives

The story of these flowers defies natural law. Now I’m not a botanist, but it is my understanding that non-blooming bulbs aka widows do not just up and decide to bloom on a whim. If they are widows, they remain as such. These flowers are […]

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How Green Is Your Thinking?

You know how I love stats. So here’s another cool poll to show you how green folks’ thinking is today. SodaHead.com, the web’s largest opinion-based community, polled its users to find out sentiments on topics surrounding the environment, recycling, organic products and hybrid cars.  Overall, […]

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Slow, Green Reads for Earth Month

Books. They are my passion. They make me weep. They dropkick loneliness to another planet. Books have meaning, make meaning, build meaning. Books are the cornerstone for life. While my editor at St. Martin’s recently astounded herself by actually going to a physical bookstore to […]

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The Zero Waste Solution

When I heard about the organization, Catalog Choice, the nation’s leading mail preference service dedicated to eliminating unwanted mail, I was thrilled! More trees to hug, I thought, as I scampered to answer the PR lady’s email. They just announced the cumulative environmental benefits of its […]

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The Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy production has been on my mind lately. Maybe it’s because our little town is divided on wind power. Some think plunking down a huge windmill at the edge of town is a little spooky. This infographic points to the pros and cons of […]

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Slow Food Meets Big Business

Ecological food production is typically viewed as a local family run-type enterprise, nothing matching the grand scale of a multinational corporation. So it seemed dubious when I received an invitation to a February 2nd event sponsored by the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York […]

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Earth Day Tip ~ Sustainable Eating

You are what you eat, and how you eat it. Locally grown produce, also known as Slow Food, is not only good for you, it’s good for the environment, too. On this Earth Day, I pose the question about agriculture because the food industry is […]

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