The Film of Our Own Making
Browse down the aisle of any video store and you will see snippets of someone’s reality. The camera, which never lies, tells a story through its lens. A hand-held camera tells one version; one on a tripod tells another. A wide-angled lens pulls in the scenery; a close shot surveys the landscape of the actor’s face.
We all carry our own cameras through life, peering into the window of others’ realities with our distinctive lens. Sometimes our film version is all we can see. In our every day lives that is the place from which we operate mostly. But what if you were allow yourself to view the world from another person’s point of view; borrow their camera for a moment, so to speak. What would you see?
My guess is you would find we are great at telling ourselves stories, even if they aren’t true.
Each of us stars in the film of our own making. We get to choose which role we play. We can also decide whether we want to play in the films other people provide for us: family, friends, loved ones, even enemies.
The choice is ours. Every day we start anew so if you don’t like the current plot you are in, you can change it. It might require a different kind of camera, a broader lens, or new actors altogether. The director is the one person who does not leave the set. That director is you.
What kind of film do you want to make today?
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