A New Way to Look at Time

Travel is a great way to not only see the world, but to reflect on your own. Whenever I meet new people, my perspective shifts just ever so slightly, adding layers to my understanding of things. It is the best education. For years I valued […]

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The Film of Our Own Making

Browse down the aisle of any video store and you will see snippets of someone’s reality. The camera, which never lies, tells a story through its lens. A hand-held camera tells one version; one on a tripod tells another. A wide-angled lens pulls in the […]

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Patience is a virtue

What we see is sometimes not what is. Yesterday I learned a valuable lesson about letting go and acceptance. Waiting is not my favorite pastime. In fact, patience is a characteristic I have had to painstakingly acquire. The truth is I like action, but sometimes […]

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