Living at the Pace of a Deep Breath
Summer invites Slow Living: the warmth, the cadence of the ocean waves, the sparkle of the water as you devour your favorite dish. It gives school children pause before entering the next grade; it gives adults an excuse to stand still for a moment.
The wind speaks. The earth breathes. The sun presses itself closer to our skin for a while.
How can we embrace the feelings of this season all year round? Life is cyclical. Sometimes we’re up; sometimes we’re down. Sometimes we’re indoors; sometimes we’re out. Capturing the Slow gives us a moment of rest to explore life’s meaning, to orchestrate its rhythm more deliberately, no matter the season.
Slow implies freedom. Summer does too.
What if you were to live at the pace of a deep breath for just a day? How would that feel? Like a warm summer’s day, even in the midst of winter?
Allow the Slow to enter your bloodstream. Let it swim around your soul for a spell. My guess is you will like it.
But buyer beware. You may never be the same again.
And that, my dear, may be a very good thing indeed.
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