Everything on the Outside Started from Within
According to a recent job satisfaction survey, less than half of US workers are satisfied in their jobs — for the seventh year in a row.
Imagine a world in which everyone did what they loved — or loved what they did. It would be a blessed place. Love would replace frustration, anger and angst. The Earth would vibrate on a higher level.
As my children and my sister’s children begin to think about their futures and what makes their hearts sing, I am reminded of the tight-rope walk between following a pragmatic road and one of passion regarding career choices.
At the tender age of eleven, I knew I wanted to be a writer.
At the crass age of fourteen, I knew where I wanted to go to college.
At the ripe old age of twenty-six, I (briefly) held a job that allowed me to practice all that I had learned in nine years of higher education.
And by thirty I became the writer I had always wanted to be.
As I list the chronology of my particular path, it doesn’t seem as if all that much time went by between knowing what I wanted to do and actually doing it. Perhaps that is the benefit of years gone by that time seems to shrink to a little list of events.
How we fill the gaps between the lines is what our lives are made of. Every step we take can place us in the direction of our higher vision.
If you don’t have a higher vision, how will you know where you are , where you are going or where you want to be? How can you ever be satisfied if you don’t know what makes you happy?
Taking a moment each day to ask yourself what your truest purpose is helps you align your actions with those goals. It puts a spring in your step as you know what you are doing and why.
Some days may be more productive than others, but every moment of your life is a part of the Greater Scheme of Things.
It is okay to ask questions along the way. You don’t need to know all the answers. But never stop questioning.
Cherish the time you spend at work — or however you spend most of your time. If you hate what you are doing, find another way.
There is always another way.
This is your life. You get to live it as you want to. And that life, which began in your mother’s womb, never stops coming from within.
In fact everything on the outside started on the inside. If you are in concert with both, you will find peace. And love. And yes, perhaps most of all, satisfaction too.
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