Love Lives Here
“Do you see why I love this place?” I peered over my sunglasses to my sister. She took a sip of her drink, looked at the lake that shimmered in the mid-day light, then said,
“Oh yes, girl. I see.” She considered a moment, then continued.
“I see that love lives here.”
Happiness lives within. But what I have learned is that even when you try really hard, your external circumstances can override that space inside. Sometimes we have to change the scenery to realign with that sacred place within ourselves.
And so it was with me. I ventured to a new place, a city that oozes love. It is rumored that the central train station in this town is filled with train tickets, ripped up in a state of passion by people who do not ever want to leave.
I believe it.
What I have found here is the most joyous centeredness I have ever felt in my entire life.
The place I am now says, “You were meant to be here. And I will prove to you every day that it is so.” It is an infectious sense of rightness. It is nothing other than love.
While I am a firm believer in making lemonade out of the lemons life offers, there are moments when packing up that lemonade stand and moving elsewhere is the most powerful choice.
Go to where your heart sings the loudest.
Find the place in your world that makes you smile eternally. You were meant to shine. And if you aren’t shining right now, you might need to find that place in the sun that sets you free.
It’s worth everything. This is your life.
What are you waiting for?
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