Dipping into the Matrix

Wordle. An addictive word-guessing game that has you coming back for more. I started playing a few months ago. First for fun. Then for meaning. And for anyone who knows me, they know my first love has, and always will be, words and the power […]

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When darkness births a flame

“When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid. The new dawn balloons as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.“ – “The Hill […]

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Going with the wind

Olivia de Havilland passed away today. In Paris. At the age of 104. Her most notable role was playing Melanie Hamilton Wiles in the 1939 classic Gone with the Wind as the good girl who befriends the wily Scarlett O’Hara and, in the end, dies […]

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Connecting in a world gone distant

The echo chamber of social media rings large as we scramble for connection in a world gone distant. Phone calls, video conferences, sporadic social-distanced meetings on park benches and the like. I am grateful for the kind weather and sunshine that warms our backs as […]

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No need to panic — just yet

Street fights. Christmas market attacks. Protests against mass immigration. The rise of populism and the puppetry of power. If we are to believe the media, the world is careening toward disaster. Over and over again. But there is one media member who is optimistic: Josef […]

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The dream interpreter

Dreams. They accompany us on life’s journey. Yet dreams can turn into expectations, which can turn into our worst nightmares. We dream about what our lives could have been. And what they still could be. We dream about what our children’s lives could have been. […]

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Being a creator

Do you ever wonder why you are so exhausted? You try your hardest to live a Slow life, mindful of your time and what you do with it. You exercise, eat right, call your parents regularly. And yet it sometimes feel like it is not […]

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Uprooted, upended, upside down

Change. The thing you find lying randomly on the sidewalk. And that other thing that defines what being alive means. My one and only daughter turned eighteen the other day. I experienced a mixture of sadness and elation. Sad that her childhood is slowly coming […]

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