Is joy even possible?

Over 350 million people worldwide battle depression. According to the World Health Organization, depressive disorders have increasingly impacted adolescents in particular over the past decade. It not only affects individuals, but entire systems with an estimated cost on the global economy reaching around 1 trillion […]

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Time etched in our faces

Flipping over to my recent social media feed, I read a comment from a dear, lifelong friend who tenuously expressed both gratitude and wonder at turning 54 this year. She listed all the things gravity and strong emotions had done to her physical appearance (she […]

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The solace of the winter solstice

As December 21 approaches, we are skirting on the edges of dawn’s light, the threshold of tomorrow’s longer days. For the past few weeks, the sun’s weak rays have barely penetrated the sky. It has an effect on us all, propelling an inward motion, a […]

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A New Us

When I was a child, I played a dice game at the local fair. The smell of hot dogs and cotton candy loomed above me as I sat on the bar stool, tossing the dice in hopes of winning a prize. In my tender seven […]

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Strength over fear

When your strength is stronger than your fear, you move mountains. Courage is not measured by the actual number of wins you have in life. It is measured by the number of times you get up when you have fallen. It is a mark of […]

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When you just don’t know

It has been a week of #techfailure. We don’t realize how very dependent we are on our devices until they wheeze and cough, fall silent or retreat — solemnly and completely — into utter darkness. For the past six weeks I have ignored the signs. […]

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The crash of the ocean

Everything that happens on this Earth is in our best interest, even when it is cloaked in dark veils. Some days I wonder why, why, why. Why the injustice? Why the struggle? Why the pain of existence? And then, after a long pause, dancing between […]

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Slow Moments

Life has gotten fast. Despite my Power of Slow intentions, I have recently found myself jumping from one meeting to the next. As I build my business in the new year, it has been an inevitable pile of things-to-do. But I am committed to living […]

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