What are we allowed to feel?

To say that times are turbulent is a tad understated. A tsunami of emotions has arisen from the years-long pandemic, stultifying our customary speed-laced rhythm and efficiency into a scramble to reorient ourselves through digital replacements. Just in the moment we thought we might breathe […]

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When you just don’t know

It has been a week of #techfailure. We don’t realize how very dependent we are on our devices until they wheeze and cough, fall silent or retreat — solemnly and completely — into utter darkness. For the past six weeks I have ignored the signs. […]

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Being a creator

Do you ever wonder why you are so exhausted? You try your hardest to live a Slow life, mindful of your time and what you do with it. You exercise, eat right, call your parents regularly. And yet it sometimes feel like it is not […]

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Time-Wise Tips

While I don’t believe you can manage actual time, only the energy you put into it, I thought I’d give you another blogger’s view of the things to do to frame your energy within the time you have. What do you think? Infographic by Jack […]

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6,000 reasons why Twitter is so powerful

Too much information? Yes, we have too much information. Take Twitter, for example. On average Twitter users produce 500 million tweets per day. It’s a (social media) jungle out there. I have learned to navigate it, using the principles of Slow. It’s not for the […]

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Lonely Planet

Backpackers be warned. The planet has just gotten a little lonelier today. Remember the days of yesteryear? When “Lonely Planet” stood for that dog-earred guide that led dusty travelers to the farthest corners of the Earth? To places of discovery and wonder? To waterfalls and […]

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The Search for Simplicity

The sweet, satisfied sigh that ensues a Sudoku puzzle accomplished. The chubby rolls of a baby’s leg. The quickly abated tragedy put aside with ice cream and a game of catch. The nightly news that speaks of a neighborhood robbery, not the salacious stealing of […]

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