Slow Moments

Life has gotten fast. Despite my Power of Slow intentions, I have recently found myself jumping from one meeting to the next. As I build my business in the new year, it has been an inevitable pile of things-to-do. But I am committed to living […]

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The courage to be real

In our Instagram world, it is not always easy to portray life as it really is. We get pulled into a virtual universe of looking good. Posting pretty. Forgetting the edges and corners of reality. The draw to place things in the best light possible […]

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Work, Life and Longevity

If we were to spend 1/3 of our lives doing something we despise, the other 2/3 wouldn’t be much fun either. And yet we spend 1/3 of our lives working.That translates to 90,000 hours from our personal bank account of time. So if work is a grind, […]

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Time-Wise Tips

While I don’t believe you can manage actual time, only the energy you put into it, I thought I’d give you another blogger’s view of the things to do to frame your energy within the time you have. What do you think? Infographic by Jack […]

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Time

It has taken 47 years, but I have finally unlocked the mystery of time. Well, that might be an exaggeration, actually. Our first personal experience with time is the moment we enter this world. The time of our birth marks our beginning. The time of […]

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Dejunking the Funk: A Tale of Spring Cleaning

While we may resist change, shaking things up a bit can help release loads of blocked energy. We don’t have to move house to move mountains. Sometimes it just takes rearranging what we’ve already got. Blame it on the sunshine, but something got into me yesterday. […]

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