The Joy Choice

No matter what is swirling about you and the squeeze you feel from it- train strikes, illness, pending surgeries or demanding clients — there is always room for joy. In fact, I have found when I make the conscious choice for joy over suffering that […]

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The Resistance

Pedaling a bicycle with the brakes on is exhausting. The harder you try, the more you sweat. But despite all that effort, you don’t seem to be getting anywhere — fast. Have you ever noticed how pervasive resistance is? It is literally everywhere. We combat traffic, […]

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The Reason

Why is a child’s favorite word. Why do birds fly? Why does the rain fall? Why? Why. Why… We never stop asking ourselves that question. Later, as life progresses, we ask ourselves “Why me? Why now? Why not?” We are the reason seekers. We look […]

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Halfway Between Here and There

This past weekend was Candlemas, the halfway point between winter and spring. It symbolizes the coming of the light, and with it, a welcoming warmth we could all use right now. This past week we cast off the seemingly impermeable blanket of snow that had […]

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Patience is a virtue

What we see is sometimes not what is. Yesterday I learned a valuable lesson about letting go and acceptance. Waiting is not my favorite pastime. In fact, patience is a characteristic I have had to painstakingly acquire. The truth is I like action, but sometimes […]

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