Slow Dynamics

Yesterday’s talk at Barnes & Noble in Charlottesville, VA was very enlightening for me. It was a standing room only crowd with some really great questions at the end. The discussion centered around life, work, and time. While I do not believe in the term […]

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Live your bookish nature

Books are a divine expression of our innermost worlds. I revere books like some people do churches. In fact, libraries are my sanctuary. You know the saying, Everyone has a book in them? Well, it’s time you pulled yours out into wide open spaces. On […]

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The Gift of Time

So often we rush in a blur of activity, uncertain where our lives are taking us. It seems as though we are in reactive mode, being more the dealers than the designers of our days. Giving someone the gift of your time is tremendous. It […]

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The Gift of a Year

The phone jangled just as I was shutting down my computer. It was my sister, fresh off her summer beach vacation. She was brimming with ideas and excitment. “You’ve got to read this book: The Gift of a Year: How to Achieve the Most Meaningful, […]

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