Overcoming SADness

The sky is dripping with rain against a murky grayish backdrop. The trees have put down their blinds, standing stoically dormant outside my office window. The Christmas music singing merrily in the background seems oddly out of place. Mirth and cheer? At this time of […]

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Wishing, Wanting, What?

The best laid plans often go astray. There have been countless occasions in my life in which I have drawn strength from that saying. Imagine if we could control everything that happens in our world. We would know exactly, to the minute, what would happen next. […]

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How to Build Beautiful Boundaries

Say what? Huh? You gotta be kidding me!? Those are all ways of saying ‘no’. They may not be eloquent choices, but they get the job done. If you have trouble being that direct (and most of us do), there are gentler versions of ‘no’ […]

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Burnout Prevention – Are you affected?

Burnout syndrome*, once considered a ‘manager’s disease’, affects people across all industries. A slow-creeping form of exhaustion accumulated over years of perfectionism, stress and overwhelm, burnout is not just reserved for the highest-ranking professionals. It can happen to anyone. Health care workers are cited by the World Health Organization […]

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Why am I so SAD?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as the “winter blues”, is known to be caused by the lack of sunlight in the winter months. Its symptoms include irritability, weight gain, lethargy, and mood swings. Experts do not agree as to the prevalence of the syndrome. […]

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A Mindful Christmas

Image by gabster_ro via Flickr The month of December is stressful for a lot of people. The holidays add to the tension and for some, light deprivation deeply affects our moods. During this season of light (or lack thereof!), we need to engage in empowering […]

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