Wishing, Wanting, What?
The best laid plans often go astray. There have been countless occasions in my life in which I have drawn strength from that saying. Imagine if we could control everything that happens in our world. We would know exactly, to the minute, what would happen next. Mystery would die on the vine. Synchronicity would fade. Spontaneity would disappear completely. That which makes life so incredibly magical would no longer exist.
Everything happens for a reason. It isn’t random Universal cruelty, although we may feel that way sometimes. And sure, it’s easy to say that things are meant to be when those things are going our way. The true litmus test is when they don’t.
In those moments, my trust in the Universe is required. Sometimes unwillingly, I force myself to call it forth and listen closely.
My innate sense of optimism is as much a part of me as the air I breathe. Whenever I experience a misstep in my life, I have to ask myself where the golden nugget in all of it is. Because it is always there. If you don’t believe me, remember what you thought you wanted as a teenager. Then you attend your 20th high school reunion and thank the gods above that you didn’t get what you wished for.
I’m not talking about positive thinking, although that is a byproduct of optimism. It is more about understanding the broader vision. What is the sense of it all really? Gifts are frequently wrapped in barbed wire. The unwrapping part hurts, but to get to the gift, we sometimes have to put on those gloves and uncoil it.
We may bleed. We may cry. We may stomp our feet in a blind fury. Until we start to see the sparkle underneath the rusty metal.
It’s not easy taking that step toward unraveling the truth. But if life has taught me anything at all, it is that love can heal those wounds.
It starts with loving ourselves. To others the act of self-love may not be understood. It’s not important that others agree with you. It is far more important that we are in agreement with ourselves. Oh yes! It takes a truck load of courage to step out and be who we are. Having the confidence to stand up for ourselves in the face of immense opposition can be scary. But so is public speaking. Both are well worth it, if you are willing to take risks toward a brighter future. For yourself. For those you love. For your truest purpose in this world.
So if you find yourself wishing for something to happen and it doesn’t, try a touch of gratitude. Believing in the omnipresent goodness that the Universe supplies will turn those thorns into roses.
Life can be beautiful. And it is. If you are willing to consider what’s humming beneath it all.
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