In Deep Water

Cruising along the Danube from Linz to Passau with the top down and my spirits high, I realized how tenuous life can be. Just a few weeks prior to that moment, the entire road I was driving had been covered in several tons of water. […]

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Tap into Your Extraordinary

Your environment matters. If you live in a dark place, chances are you won’t feel as bright as someone who lives under the sun 365 days a year. The landscape matters. If you are in an urban jungle, you might not feel as consistently grounded […]

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The Land of the Lost

On days when I lose my keys, I know I have too much on my mind. Misplacing things is a sign of being overwhelmed. But sometimes things lose themselves in an energetic exchange that tells me now is the time to let them go. Releasing […]

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When Mountains Turn to Molehills

The kitchen emitted an eardrum-splicing pitch. “The fridge is making weird sounds,” I said to Husband. He grunted. It was early. Fretting about yet another household item that required repair, I set about my morning in the attempt to surpress the feeling that everything was […]

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Slow Quote ~ Loving the Moment

All that we’ve ever looked for has been within us all along. That is the lesson of Paul Coelho’s The Alchemist. In Power of Slow terms you might find this quote to be the same thing. When we love the moment, we unleash exponential possibilities. […]

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Go with the flow

Slow makes things flow. Doubt it? Have you ever noticed how traffic patterns are affected by one person going too fast behind you who then has to slam on the brakes because you aren’t going the same speed? Multiply the speed by the distance and the […]

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Summer fun has just begun

Image by Andy Ciordia via Flickr As with every year in Central Europe, just as one believes summer will never arrive, it does. We got a glimpse of warmth over the past three days. Although it has cooled today, we know it will be warmer […]

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