When you just don’t know

It has been a week of #techfailure. We don’t realize how very dependent we are on our devices until they wheeze and cough, fall silent or retreat — solemnly and completely — into utter darkness. For the past six weeks I have ignored the signs. […]

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Wishing, Wanting, What?

The best laid plans often go astray. There have been countless occasions in my life in which I have drawn strength from that saying. Imagine if we could control everything that happens in our world. We would know exactly, to the minute, what would happen next. […]

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The Basement Blues

Truth time: There is something about my basement that makes me incredibly sad. I am an unwilling partner in storage of the things housed there. At first glance, the items on the shelves and leaning against the walls are innocuous. My convertible’s hard top during […]

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The Value of Failure

If at first you do not succeed, try, try again. Let’s face it. Success is sweet. And we want it more than we want the smudgy, sweaty, stinky sensation of having given it our all only to flop altogether. But over the years, I have […]

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‘No’ Means Next

It is a basic human need to be loved. The opposite of love is indifference, the deepest form of rejection a person can experience. Rejection comes in other forms as well – an unreturned phone call, a missed appointment, a subtle, yet clear ‘no’ to […]

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The Courage to Make a Mistake

A recent Workplace Mojo blog post got me to thinking about the fearlessness of failure. What if we were to fail. Big time. What if we were to fail so badly, we lost everything, only to begin again? What if we were to take risks […]

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