The Fitness Habit

A reporter recently asked how to shave 30 minutes off your day to exercise. It seemed like a good idea to figure out how people generally spend their time and where they might find a few minutes here or there to squeeze in a fitness […]

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What would people say about you if you left the room? Are you living a life of true intention? I know it’s a heady question, but it’s one worth asking. Luckily, Bryan Clay, Olympic hopeful for this summer’s Olympics in London, started to ask himself […]

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What Shape are You In?

We all come in different shapes and sizes. Depending on your mood, you might be feeling like a triangle right now ~ sort of sharp on the edges and not so centered. Or maybe you’re as full and round as a circle, rolling through life […]

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Osteoporosis affects 10 Million

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 8 out of the 10 million Americans who are estimated to have osteoporosis are women. Almost 34 million more people are estimated to have low bone density, increasing their risk of osteoporosis and broken bones.  National Nutrition Month is a […]

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Slow Exercise

In the 80s aerobics was hot. Jane Fonda and those lovely scrunchy socks, the full-body suits and the thong-like overpants. The faster you pumped, the better. The 90s rolled by me as I rolled by it on my bike (I lived eight miles from University […]

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The Anti-Resolution Solution

This is not a message telling you how to make your new year better. It is a message to help you make every moment (or at least most of them) great. Flipping the calendar fills us with joy and hope. There is something magical about […]

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Techno Shock and the Time of My Life

Establishing a positive relationship with time sometimes requires we go out on a limb, such as taking risks to try new things while spending the units in our personal bank account of time wisely. Yesterday I took a drum aerobics class for the heck of […]

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