It’s as simple as asking ‘Whose Problem is This’

Some of us are more ambitious than others. I’ll readily admit I have high hopes for my smart, charming daughter and my entertaining, athletic son. But more importantly, whose life is it, anyway? If my kids don’t do their homework, who suffers? Other than the possibility their lives might emulate the cast of the movie, Failure to Launch, it isn’t really our problem when your kids make bad decisions. Ultimately, they have to deal with the consequences. We only think we do.

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Deborah King’s Letter to Oprah

I used to work as a PR consultant for Deborah King, author of Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You. She recently published an open letter to Oprah Winfrey, addressing Oprah’s weight challenges and Deborah’s beliefs about its underlying causes. I was moved by Deborah’s […]

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When Life Screeches to a Halt

As I read Gayle Bu’s email, my jaw dropped and stayed there. Once a time-crunched executive assistant for the head of babyGap in San Francisco, she suffered a severe brain aneurysm at the tender age of 27.** Her story of recovery and slowing down is a […]

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Life Balance Found in Taos

Brandon Schmid just wanted to be alone. A hard-working lawyer from Seattle, WA, he escaped to the rugged landscape in Taos, New Mexico, in the middle of winter. A rugged outdoorsman, he decided winter camping might be just the thing. Sad thing was, he forgot […]

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Former AP-photographer takes a new shot at life

 The daughter of a foreign correspondent, Nanine Hartzenbusch spent a good deal of her childhood in Bonn and Frankfurt. Our biographies intersect on many levels, including our passion for balancing kids with career. Once a high-powered staff photographer for the likes of Reuters, AP, and […]

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What is Slow?

Welcome to the Power of Slow, the blog that accompanies a new book being released by St. Martin’s Press in the fall of 2009. The book is entitled The Power of Slow: 101 Ways to Save Time in Our 24/7 World. Slow down to speed up. It’s […]

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