When Lemons Turn to Lemonade

Triggers. Those lovely little emotional downers that send us swirling down the drain to what may feel like a bottomless pit. They are the lemons in our lives that remind us of our own humanity. Triggers are handles on our own personal garbage. And they […]

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Get Lost and Return

We all have Lost and Found stories. It is a part of life that things — and people — come and go in our lives. But have you ever had an item mysteriously disappear only for it to return under equally mysterious circumstances? As with […]

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Quieting the Complaining Mind

Between the hours of two and four in the morning, my mind enters the Fret Zone. I worry, complain, argue and fight about the weirdest things. It is as if all the frustration from the day comes tumbling into one pile of yuckiness. And if […]

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That Special Kind of Crazy

If there is one thing I’ve learned as a creative professional, you must always nurture your special kind of crazy. I deal with business people. A lot. The ones who have been successful have never conformed. They’ve danced outside of the box – and sometimes […]

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