Get Lost and Return

We all have Lost and Found stories. It is a part of life that things — and people — come and go in our lives.

But have you ever had an item mysteriously disappear only for it to return under equally mysterious circumstances? As with most everything, we have a choice about how we view such losses. In my mind, things are never really lost. They are merely in movement. Sometimes they travel to far ends of the Earth before returning to you.

Whether it is an inanimate object or a living being, we are one massive gyrating ball of energy. We undulate to the pulse of the Universe. When we play by its rules, the most incredible things happen.

I once lost a camera in a New York taxi. Someone from Venezuela found it and returned it two months later.

Losing my camera in a NYC taxi was the first real lesson for me in the Universal Law of Loss and Return. After I discovered the camera was missing, I fretted interminably. It didn’t help. So I decided I needed to release my emotional hold on it. I went into full acceptance that it — and all the memories I had captured on it – was gone. And then a young Venezuelan woman left a comment on my mother’s blog, claiming she had seen a picture of her on the camera in front of her newly created blog and if the camera might belong to her.

She left the comment on my birthday.

Releasing our hold on things and fully embracing What Is So is the key to energy’s return.

Another example of this is how I learned to accept that my most precious necklace (aptly named My Power) feels the need to travel. About five years ago, it mysteriously disappeared. Just when I had finally come to terms with its lost, it showed up in a pocket of a jacket I hadn’t worn in a year. Recently, I misplaced it again, but having been through this before I knew it would show up when I least expected it. I found it in my gym bag a week later.

Last year I accidentally left my wallet in a Freiburg taxi. As I was about to get upset, my friend reminded me of the Universal Law I was getting to know so well. I admit I entered a state of doubt, but decided she was right. Five days later I got a call. The wallet’s contents (including all credit cards!) was found in a garbage bag at the central train station. The angelic man (whose last name meant angel in German!) insisted on driving to my doorstep to return it.

My son accidentally dropped his bus pass somewhere between school and home. An anonymous person returned it via mail without a trace of identification.

When things like this happen, it feels like a hug from the Universe.

Just yesterday, I lost my calendar. I have no memory of it slipping from my hands. But now it too has delved into the ocean of energy exchange. I allowed myself to fret for a moment, then entered the space of acceptance and anticipation. I’m looking forward to its journey and possible return – in whatever form the Universe decides it will be.

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