The Bud Before the Bloom

The light hit my face with an intensity I hadn’t felt in months as the sky filled the world with a new kind of preciousness. Spring had finally come. Do you know the feeling that you are about to burst with something completely new, utterly […]

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Out of Your Mind

The tingling sensation of true mind suspension is a delightful thing indeed. I am not talking about dropping acid or snorting something funny. I am referring more to the restorative powers of taking time off. You haven’t heard from me in a while — in […]

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Slow Holiday

According to an American Time Use Survey graph, Americans spent 17 minutes a day relaxing and thinking. Today is President’s Day in the United States ~ now’s your chance! Forget the great sales at the local car dealership. Never mind the alluring slashed prices at […]

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How to Get More Free Time

Free time doesn’t have to be expensive because it is indeed ‘free’. The first step to having more free time is to decouple your understanding of time as money. When thinking that time equals money, they treat time as if it were very expensive. In […]

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Family Vacation

Air travel leaves me with a blend of thrill and fear. There’s something remarkably impossible about lifting people into the sky for a few hours, only to land safely on the other side of the world. When packing, I usually reach a point where I […]

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Power tools

Sunday is a day of rest like no other in Germany. A fairly traditional society, Germany observes more religious holidays than any other European country I know (with, perhaps, the exception of Spain). I live in Bavaria, which is the most conservative state in the […]

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Battery Recharge

As I stared down at my camera battery gleefully soaking up more energy from its charger cradle, I realized we are a lot more like machines than we realize. We need to recharge our batteries like everything else. Taking time off is as important as breathing […]

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Stressed? Grab a book

For some light Sunday fodder, I thought a good stress-busting tip was in order. After a full week of work, travel and schedule juggling, Sundays are indeed a day of rest. Can’t relax? Grab a good read. According to a recent study at the University […]

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