Vacation Deprivation

Florida. White beaches. Rolling waves. The smell of sea salt tickling your nose. It is a beautiful place, a warm haven for ‘snow birds’ who come down from the North for a winter reprieve. Ironically, it is also one of the places where employees take […]

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The Era of Restoration

The restorative powers of sleep are not to be underestimated. We all need rest. If we don’t get it, we shorten our lives, and the quality of it, considerably. The Earth’s response to the colder nights can serve as a reminder to us all about […]

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Let There Be Dreams

One of my favorite things to do is to doze in the morning until I’m fully awake. It can sometimes take hours as I lay in an alpha state, dreaming of intense things while thinking any minute I’ll get up, only to turn on my […]

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