Unslow days viewed slowly

I had anything but a slow day. The difference this time was I noticed as my day unfolded how unslow it felt. Instead of immediately getting wrapped up in the frenzy, I took things as they came, and made room for a twenty-minute power walk […]

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Stewardship, not destruction

A few weeks ago I sat down for a phone chat with Montreal-based Karen Coshof, a smart, forward-thinking film producer who made a 2006 documentary called The Great Warming. It is not only a direct look at what we are doing to the planet, but […]

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Stimulus Addict

Obama’s stimulus package proposal has gotten a lot of play in the news of late. But what hasn’t been addressed is how addicted we are to our own stimuli. I’m not talking about billion-dollar injections to get your engine running. I’m talking about all the digital […]

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Slow going

If you have ever tried something new, you know how slow going it can be. That is perhaps one reason why we procrastinate. Vacuuming the home office floor is ultimately more appealing than facing our inner demons. That’s when you create a plan in your […]

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Safe Text

One aspect of slow living is understanding you do not need to do two things or be two places at once. With this in mind, Shane Neman, CEO of EZ Texting offers these 5 tips on the dangers of text messaging (meant for parents and kids, […]

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A beautiful way to look at winter

“The cold was our pride, the snow was our beauty. It fell and fell, lacing day and night together in a milky haze, making everything quieter as it fell, so that winter seemed to partake of religion in a way no other season did, hushed, […]

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Follow your (childhood) dreams

It might be the fact that I’m turning 40 this year. It might be the fact that I heard Randy Pausch’s monumental speech about achieving your childhood dreams. It might be the fact that change is in the air. I have started a list of […]

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Winter WonderWhat?

No matter how hard I try, winter is the one season I have a hard time embracing. I see animals struggle to stay cold (heck! anyone dependent on Russia’s non-flowing natural gas supply right now is struggling to do the same), the trees look like […]

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