Dejunking the Funk: A Tale of Spring Cleaning

While we may resist change, shaking things up a bit can help release loads of blocked energy. We don’t have to move house to move mountains. Sometimes it just takes rearranging what we’ve already got. Blame it on the sunshine, but something got into me yesterday. […]

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The Art of Mindful Space Management

If your energy is flagging, take a look at your surroundings. Your exterior reflects your interior. If you have piles of junk stacked high around your workspace, you could equate the energy it is siphoning off of you with a two-ton elephant doing the same. […]

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What Lies Within Us

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Throughout the years since I first pondered the Slow Movement, I have learned there is one fundamental thing lacking from the entire discussion. We […]

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