6,000 reasons why Twitter is so powerful

Too much information? Yes, we have too much information. Take Twitter, for example. On average Twitter users produce 500 million tweets per day. It’s a (social media) jungle out there. I have learned to navigate it, using the principles of Slow. It’s not for the […]

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Out of Control

Our modern age has given us so many new tools to manage ourselves. iPhones, laptops, PCs, traffic navigators, you name it. In effect, these gadgets offer us a semblance of control. And feeling in control is necessary for our mental health. And yet we really […]

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How to Tend to Your Secret Garden

We all hold secrets inside. My family makes a game out of it. It’s called the “Little Known Fact” game. So at dinner parties where the guests don’t all know each other, my mother introduces the game for everyone to play. We are called to […]

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The Power of Fast Rescue

All thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were rescued faster than authorities thought possible yesterday. Their feat of endurance and the rescuers’ act of perseverance demonstrate how incredible human beings truly are. In a strife-torn region (Bolivia has some beef with Chile),  the miners’ story brought together […]

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Resisting the Social Media Triumvirate

Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. We hear your siren’s call. You are the social media triumvirate and in less than a handful of years, you have altered the landscape of our modern-day world. In the face of your trendy existence, slow takes real courage. It is not […]

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Twitter leads to moral depravity?

The power of slow is the antidote for information overload. Snap off your TweetDeck, enjoy a drink on the porch, savor the setting sun. Social networking can become an obsession if you let it. It can also be a useful tool, if you know how […]

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