A Trend Towards More Free Time?

A recent survey released by Travel Ticker, a Web site that scours the Internet for the best travel deals, reveals that 32 percent of respondents claimed they will be travelling more for leisure in 2010 because they have “more free time”. Admittedly, of those citing more free time as their reason to increase their leisure travel in 2010, more than 38 percent of respondents had an annual household income of $76,ooo and 34 percent were 51 or older. Travel may be top of mind for these age and income brackets as many may be working fewer  hours and able to take additional paid or unpaid leave or plan on retiring in 2010.

Photo courtesy of Amy L Morton

Nonetheless, even the 18-to-30-year-old age bracket intends on flying the coop for fun. Of the total number of consumers polled, 43 percent of 18-30 year-olds said they plan on taking more leisure trips in 2010, making them the most likely group of respondents who will be increasing their travel plans.

The power of slow says take a vacation. You needn’t fly to an exotic place to take a respite. But remember to slow it down a notch every now and then. Enjoy life and the time you have.

Time is the gift that is your life.


  1. Siobhan

    December 17, 2009 at 10:21 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly with the last two paragraphs but would prefer to hear a different story than the one told in the first few because I am concerned about the contribution made by air travel to climate change.
    More train journeys! Blissfully slow.
    Or unwind, relax and share the gifts of your mellow self with your local community?

    1. powerofslow

      December 18, 2009 at 6:01 am

      Thanks for writing, Siobhan. Leisure travel does not mean you have to hop a plane to exotic places. As you rightly said, train travel is a great way to see the world, too. Copenhagen’s climate change conference has put the Earth’s crisis in the forefront of people’s minds. Let’s hope it has a lasting impact on our choices, too.

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