The No Vacation Nation

Our relationship with time is embedded in our culture. It is never so apparent than in the different ways in which people view vacation. For some, vacation is a luxury; for others, it’s a birthright. One glance at this chart reveals how diverse our perspective […]

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A little bit can go a long way

My friend’s face loomed large on my iMac screen. She had forty minutes before her next appointment. It had been too long since we last spoke. And now, because I too had been ten minutes late, we had less time together than planned. “How’s life?” […]

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Out of Your Mind

The tingling sensation of true mind suspension is a delightful thing indeed. I am not talking about dropping acid or snorting something funny. I am referring more to the restorative powers of taking time off. You haven’t heard from me in a while — in […]

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Vacation Deprivation

Florida. White beaches. Rolling waves. The smell of sea salt tickling your nose. It is a beautiful place, a warm haven for ‘snow birds’ who come down from the North for a winter reprieve. Ironically, it is also one of the places where employees take […]

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Empty Your Emotional Closet

In an act of decluttering I stumbled upon the most marvelous book that I had bought in an epiphanic moment. Reboot Your Life is the title. And it talks about taking a sabbatical from your life to recharge it. Think of the book Eat, Pray, […]

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Life’s a Beach

Last month released its 2012 Flip Flop report. Seeing as I developed a flip-flop method for measuring your pace of life, I feel it’s only appropriate to post this nifty infographic. Germans top the list of beach-loving nations ~ it could have something to […]

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Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Slow?

Husband shuffled lethargically from the car to the house and back again. Three hotels and 1,000 KM later, he had had enough of vacation. Admittedly, ten days is a long time of non-stop togetherness. Eager to return to my every day life myself, I predicted […]

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Vacate the premises

If you’re anything like me, you start dreaming about summer vacation the moment the first bulb sprouts from the earth. Vacation planning is not just about flipping through catalogues and finding the right place to go, however. It also involves a great deal of preparation, […]

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A Trend Towards More Free Time?

A recent survey released by Travel Ticker, a Web site that scours the Internet for the best travel deals, reveals that 32 percent of respondents claimed they will be travelling more for leisure in 2010 because they have “more free time”. Admittedly, of those citing […]

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