India: The Country of Contrasts

India is a country of contrasts. After traveling throughout South India for the past three months, we have witnessed so much poverty, pollution and poetry of existence. It is a beautiful, wretched, aromatic, putrid, nourishing and soul-bleeding place. The wave of emotions evoked by our experiences […]

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The decision of a single person

Life is a constant undulation, like the ocean itself. We think of the waves as a separate part of its entirety, but my experience is of another. The waves are not only a part of the ocean. They are the ocean itself. When we see […]

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Connecting in a world gone distant

The echo chamber of social media rings large as we scramble for connection in a world gone distant. Phone calls, video conferences, sporadic social-distanced meetings on park benches and the like. I am grateful for the kind weather and sunshine that warms our backs as […]

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The battle of surrender

Suffice it to say, it has been a weird, weird Spring. Frozen in a state of paralysis, I watched time first stand still, then rush down the corridor in a torrent. Weeks spilled into weekends into a space beyond the clock. Did I wake up […]

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The day the words were gone

Words, my faithful companions since day 1, flew daintily out the window over the series of days we call March. Perhaps they took it literally as Leap Year’s bossy February 29th delayed its entrance. “March!” the words must have heard as they awoke from their […]

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The Year the Light Came Early

The light spilled through the slits in the rolled-down shades. As my eyelids flipped back to greet the new day, I sensed something was different. The tunnel of dust that pillared from the sunbeam arching downward to meet the wooden floor told me the world […]

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Dark clouds moving

The rain pattered against the panes. It was a grey late summer day and my thoughts matched the meteorological mood. Reflecting on the season of warmth and sunshine, I wondered now where the time had gone. Time itself is a construct we use to measure […]

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The crash of the ocean

Everything that happens on this Earth is in our best interest, even when it is cloaked in dark veils. Some days I wonder why, why, why. Why the injustice? Why the struggle? Why the pain of existence? And then, after a long pause, dancing between […]

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Work, Life and Longevity

If we were to spend 1/3 of our lives doing something we despise, the other 2/3 wouldn’t be much fun either. And yet we spend 1/3 of our lives working.That translates to 90,000 hours from our personal bank account of time. So if work is a grind, […]

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