When being is more than enough

Sometimes the best thing we can do in life is nothing at all. Standing strong in the face of the storm. Observing. Watching. Casting no judgment. No shadows. No doubt. Letting things be. It is not easy watching someone you love suffer, knowing you can […]

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The Newness of You

The human body is comprised of 50 trillion cells. That’s a lot of action happening underneath the surface of ourselves. Every seven years our organs are completely regenerated. And any time we want, we can create a new way of being by simply choosing to […]

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Every one of us has felt barriers. We step into a predetermined system the moment we enter this world. We are shaped by our parents, our siblings, our education and our environment. We learn right from wrong. We rebel against a lot of it when […]

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On the Verge of Greatness

You know when you feel like you are on the verge of something really amazing? You can feel it with every fiber of your being. You know it is there, sliding just beneath the surface of your awareness, skittering to the edges of your peripheral […]

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The Weight of Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Wanna make a bet? I’ve never agreed with that saying. For anyone who has been bullied before, words can do more damage than a machine gun. Words have more power in the […]

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The Pictures in Our Heads

Pictures, pictures, look at all the pretty pictures! We have so many of them swirling around in our heads that they wouldn’t fit in even the largest museum. Murals of how our relationships should be; canvases splattered with paint, depicting our perfect job, children, life. […]

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Life’s Little Surprises

You wake up an hour later than you thought. Your job description has been turned on its head. The weather takes a sudden turn. Change, and the way its managed, can impact our lives more than we realize. As I recently read somewhere, long-term success […]

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Cultivating Your Intuition

Intuition, the sweet voice of our internal navigation system.Without it we bumble. With it, we grow humble. Intuition is the guide of consciousness. It’s truly a lovely thing. Jackie Gilbert, Professor of Management in the Middle Tennessee State University College of Business, offers her wisdom […]

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The Power of Connection

Scientists have long agreed that people in community tend to live longer. In the Middle Ages the greatest punishment was to be rejected by the community, banished for eternity outside the city walls. The word excommunication really does mean just that: no longer in communication […]

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The Last of All Days

Many warm thanks to my pal, Gary, for sharing this video with me. Take 4 minutes out of your day to watch it. You’ll be glad you did. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezxJ9s2NEn8] Lyrics: Brenda Russell Singer: Marilyn Scott

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