When words fail you, what can you say?

Words are not supposed to escape writers. After all, is it not our mandate to use them, wisely, powerfully, pointedly? In the face of so much bad news – from the post-Hurricane Maria public health issues of Puerto Rico to the single white male slaughter […]

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A Benediction to Life

We all touch people’s lives in mysterious ways. Sometimes we aren’t aware of the effect someone has had on us until they are gone. Today I learned that a person rather close to me at one time had passed away.  We met each other at […]

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The Liberation Closure Can Bring

“Closure, when you can get it, is so powerful and liberating,” a friend posted on Facebook this morning. She is so right. Lissa Coffey penned a book entitled Closure that I had the pleasure of reviewing a few years ago. She talks about the importance […]

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The Lessons of Goodbye

Taking leave of the familiar is frightening because, let’s face it, we are creatures of habit. Routine gives us structure, which gives us meaning and a sense of safety. So when we have to say goodbye to what we know to embark on what we […]

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How to Deal with Loss

R.I.P. Speedy The passing of life’s breath into stillstand is never an easy thing. We got home to discover our pet guinea pig, Speedy, had passed away. She was still warm so we knew it must have happened within the hour or so before our […]

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