How to Deal with Loss

R.I.P. Speedy

Speedy, pictured left

The passing of life’s breath into stillstand is never an easy thing. We got home to discover our pet guinea pig, Speedy, had passed away. She was still warm so we knew it must have happened within the hour or so before our arrival. The kids are saddened as are we. Life’s preciousness is never more present than in the moments after someone we love passes away.

So how do we deal with loss? Mourn. Remember. Laugh through the tears. Acceptance comes once these steps have occurred, and not before.

Elizabeth Kübler-Ross developed the five stages of grief that go something like this:






At first I was shocked when I heard my daughter’s cry as she checked in on her pets. I denied the death of our pet was real, then felt angry for not being here in the moment our pet needed us. Or perhaps she knew and waited until we left. I immediately made mental plans to get a new pet (denial) so our other guinea pig wouldn’t be alone. Sadness lingers as we cling to the memories, watching the pets grow up with our kids who are only still half-grown.

Acceptance will come at its own pace. We’re not there yet, but we will be.

Life is a dance. Let’s get up and shake it for what it’s worth. Hug your loved ones today as we never really know when the music will stop playing.

Live life at your own speed. It’s yours. It’s a gift. Now is all there is.


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  1. willowdrinkwater

    November 1, 2011 at 6:52 pm

    I am so glad I got to hold and play with Speedy while she was with us on this Earth journey, and listen to her squeaks over fresh carrot peelings and lettuce leaves. I still get a bit weepy thinking about finding my Siamese cat, Sammy next to the railroad tracks in Malverne, NY when I was Sophia’s age. Sad times for us, but Speedy and Sammy are over the Rainbow Bridge. We’ll see them someday.

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