Dead Man (Distracted) Walking

The other day I scored major points with my son. He indirectly mentioned his concern about my iPhone obsession by commenting about how another soccer mom watched her phone more than the game. “She’s reaaaaaaally manic about her phone, Mom,” he eyed me closely. He […]

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Knowing the Questions to Ask and When

A visit to the mobile phone store taught me a lesson or two about what happens when you don’t know the questions to ask. After purchasing an iPhone, I was told I couldn’t change my two-year contract for another month in order to add the […]

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Taking the Suck out of Time

Our collective urgency, fear and yearning to stuff more into our day are merely symptoms of a much larger issue: how we relate to time itself. Establishing a positive relationship with time is a lot like investing. You have to give something to get a […]

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The road less travelled

Image via Wikipedia Benjamin Franklin meant well. He advised his tradesmen audience in the aptly worded „Advice to a Young Tradesman”  that time is money. In his day a person of trade, well, traded his time for the money he earned. In many cases today […]

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