Pockets of Win

Procrastination impacts our lives like an avalanche. We wait, put off, distract ourselves with other things. Then a pile of rubbish comes landing on our heads and we end up with a mess far greater than the delayed activity that caused it. It has been […]

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One sock at a time

Yesterday I had the unique opportunity to do an impromptu coaching session with a young economics student who had a hard time keeping on top of his laundry. We were on set at a soap opera; he played an orderly, I a doctor. While waiting […]

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Focus Fridays ~ Please Give Me 10!

Laura Brady Saade of GiveMe10.info shares her insights into living your dreams ten minutes at a time along with some cool slow tips for fostering creativity in our 24/7 world. To listen to this week’s Focus Fridays podcast, click here for Laura! If you like […]

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The End of Procrastination

The day I left on my two-week book tour to the United States, I learned I still had to provide my German tax accountant with information that would take me a full day to put together. I am not one to procrastinate, but I had to put off […]

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