Why Friendships are Soul Food

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Ralph Waldo Emerson A few weeks ago I took a test. It was meant to determine what my values are and to see what kind of job would be most suitable for me. The […]

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The Infinite Universe

For the past year, I have shared the “top thing to do today” on Facebook. As with most inspired writing, I have no idea where it comes from, but I know it has to be said. Now, here are some of the highlights — in […]

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The Google-ization of Life

There is more to life than convenience and quick answers. Sometimes the slow route to knowledge is more interesting. Yet Google would have us believe — with its heart-warming television commercials — that the world is just a click away. And every answer to every […]

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Out of Your Mind

The tingling sensation of true mind suspension is a delightful thing indeed. I am not talking about dropping acid or snorting something funny. I am referring more to the restorative powers of taking time off. You haven’t heard from me in a while — in […]

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Vacation Deprivation

Florida. White beaches. Rolling waves. The smell of sea salt tickling your nose. It is a beautiful place, a warm haven for ‘snow birds’ who come down from the North for a winter reprieve. Ironically, it is also one of the places where employees take […]

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A New Way to Look at Time

Travel is a great way to not only see the world, but to reflect on your own. Whenever I meet new people, my perspective shifts just ever so slightly, adding layers to my understanding of things. It is the best education. For years I valued […]

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The Other Side of the Sky

For six days I visited the other side of the sky. It was blue. It was warm. It was family. It was about time. In the past decade since I’ve lived in Germany, I have not seen my family around the holidays. But this year […]

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Travels to Myself

Whenever I board a plane, train or automobile to a new place, I am guided by my internal GPS. Every interaction I have or person I meet opens my eyes in new ways. I am informed by the novelty of the situation, but also by […]

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Bon Voyage!

“The voyage itself is not important, but rather the one with which you travel that counts.” Travel is one of the best ways to see how slow you can go. Waiting in line to board planes, buses and trains is a great opportunity to test […]

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