When Great isn’t Good Enough

Even when we create miracles, sometimes the people who have asked for them aren’t able to receive them. Life can be like that. And it’s frustrating. And somehow nearly amusing. The smile hasn’t left my face in over an hour. It is an odd reaction, […]

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Fear in Moderation

Fear is a tricky human emotion. It can paralyze you. It can keep you from your dreams. It can keep you small. It can also keep you safe. Fear can be your friend in just the right doses, but too much of it can kill […]

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The Progress Principle

Being at a standstill can be the most frustrating experience for a recovering speedaholic like myself. Although I know there is power in slow, there are moments when setbacks make it feel like the world is going to end. Apparently, I am not alone in […]

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What is productivity anyway?

Productivity is a term with deep implications in Western society. If we obtain it, we are considered successful. If we don’t, we are not. While writing my book, The Power of Slow, I examined why we do the things we do such as obsessive email checking […]

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When E-mail kills…

My dear friend Guy sent me a link to a story on InternetNews the other day. It addressed the spate of suicides and suicide attempts at France Telecom (a key brand of Orange) in the last year (22 with 13 attempts).  The CFO of the company, […]

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Create the opening

Mini-vacations are the best. You unplug for a few days and race back to your everyday life with a sense of renewal. You’re gone long enough to appreciate your work without being overwhelmed by it. This past Easter weekend was one such weekend. The weather […]

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