The Good Life — Right Where You Are

Owning a restaurant is more than a full-time occupation. It’s a life decision. It consumes every aspect of your schedule, starting with opening hours and ending with unforeseen crises that demand your attention whenever they happen. I admire restaurateurs for their gumption, their commitment, their love […]

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Friday – In Pictures

A picture speaks a thousand words. And because my super-duper webmaster finally fixed the bug that made my blog sick (and pictureless), I am honoring his efforts by posting a few of my favorite snapshots today. Enjoy the view! I gave my best friend this […]

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The Freiburg Sparkle

Freiburg holds the key to my heart. It is the most magical place I have ever been. Every day I thank the Universe for its goodness in bringing me here. It is the reward, I suppose, for trusting in its message even when I had […]

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Love Lives Here

“Do you see why I love this place?” I peered over my sunglasses to my sister. She took a sip of her drink, looked at the lake that shimmered in the mid-day light, then said, “Oh yes, girl. I see.” She considered a moment, then […]

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The Storyteller

We all tell stories. Every day. Some of us get paid to do it. Others do not. But every one of us tells ourselves, and others, who we are through the way in which we move through the world. Oftentimes those stories couldn’t be farther […]

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