Get Lost and Return

We all have Lost and Found stories. It is a part of life that things — and people — come and go in our lives. But have you ever had an item mysteriously disappear only for it to return under equally mysterious circumstances? As with […]

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The Universal Law of Flow

Sometimes you have to say “no” to get to “yes”. Over the past few months I have met many people at a crossroads in their lives. They know where they are isn’t where they want to be. They have a vague sense that there is […]

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The Power of Flow

Never underestimate the power of flow. It is a state of being that brings all kinds of amazing things to the surface. Flow is defined as the timeless space in our heads that we experience when distinctly engaged in whatever we are doing. Athletes call […]

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In Step with Synchronicity

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined the phrase synchronicity, which means the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. So it was with my visit […]

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The Land of the Lost

On days when I lose my keys, I know I have too much on my mind. Misplacing things is a sign of being overwhelmed. But sometimes things lose themselves in an energetic exchange that tells me now is the time to let them go. Releasing […]

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The Importance of Flow Friends

Flow is that single-minded immersion in something you love. Proposed by  positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the concept has revolutionized the way I think about life and the people in it. We all have people in our lives that make us feel like time is suspended. You know […]

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Go with the flow

Slow makes things flow. Doubt it? Have you ever noticed how traffic patterns are affected by one person going too fast behind you who then has to slam on the brakes because you aren’t going the same speed? Multiply the speed by the distance and the […]

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Teeter-Tottering in Time’s Domain

The weather smacks of summer, the breezy timelessness of youth strengthened by the sun’s pure will to warm the Earth. Despite the external circumstances, I’ve been breathless since 8 am. It started when I used my mind as a calendar instead of that actual daytimer I […]

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