Get Lost and Return

We all have Lost and Found stories. It is a part of life that things — and people — come and go in our lives. But have you ever had an item mysteriously disappear only for it to return under equally mysterious circumstances? As with […]

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The Universe is Like a Supermarket

The door to creativity swings wide open when you make space for it. In fact, anything you have ever desired is just waiting for you to create the room for it to enter. Sometimes we forget where the key to that door is. Although it resides […]

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Dare to Dream

“Look for the good things to come…and they will.” I posted that on Facebook yesterday. A great friend of mine from California quickly reminded me that those good things have already happened. It’s simply our job to remember them. Calling forth good things is really […]

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A Wish Come True

Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it! The Universe works in mysterious ways. We spend so much of our time wishing this thing or that, all the while we are sending off messages to that Universal Power that aligns every time […]

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Habits are hard to break, especially the ones that aren’t good for us. But as creatures that love routine, we cling to our structures as if our lives depended on it. That’s how we’re made. What would we do if we didn’t have our preset […]

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Insistence Creates Resistance

Have you ever observed the battle of wills between a parent and a child? The parent insists that the kid should eat his vegetables. The child, in his fury, resists. The more the parent demands a certain action, the more the child refuses to deliver […]

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Desiderata Days ~ The Unfolding

Ah yes, universal unfolding! Don’t we love it when things go well! It is easy to embrace the notion of “all is as it should be” when things are going our way. It is distinctly harder to accept this universal law when things are less […]

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