The Universe is Like a Supermarket

The door to creativity swings wide open when you make space for it. In fact, anything you have ever desired is just waiting for you to create the room for it to enter. Sometimes we forget where the key to that door is. Although it resides […]

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Dare to Dream

“Look for the good things to come…and they will.” I posted that on Facebook yesterday. A great friend of mine from California quickly reminded me that those good things have already happened. It’s simply our job to remember them. Calling forth good things is really […]

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A Wish Come True

Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it! The Universe works in mysterious ways. We spend so much of our time wishing this thing or that, all the while we are sending off messages to that Universal Power that aligns every time […]

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The Law of Attraction

If you have ever been to Venice, you know that it is one of the most beautiful, crowded, tourist-infested cities in the world. It has so many bridges and narrow passageways that you simply have to let go of any expectation that you’ll ever find […]

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Manifestation Station

Blame it on 2012, but I’ve been getting visions left and right that won’t leave me alone. They are begging for my attention, wanting me to listen, then act on them. My entire being has become a manifestation station. The messages about aligning your path […]

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Travels to Myself

Whenever I board a plane, train or automobile to a new place, I am guided by my internal GPS. Every interaction I have or person I meet opens my eyes in new ways. I am informed by the novelty of the situation, but also by […]

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