It is time we rise

The heat swelled outside our windows. The sky expanded in a hue of blue reserved for the last breath of August and the meteorologists promised us today would be the last time we would feel the heat of this year. 2020 has given us plenty […]

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A reason, a season or a lifetime

The video flickered. “Can you hear me?” “Yes!” “Can you see me?” “Girl, I have seen you for thirty years. And you, well you look as beautiful as the day we first met.” I blushed. This is what good friends say to one another. Even […]

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Strength over fear

When your strength is stronger than your fear, you move mountains. Courage is not measured by the actual number of wins you have in life. It is measured by the number of times you get up when you have fallen. It is a mark of […]

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The Year the Light Came Early

The light spilled through the slits in the rolled-down shades. As my eyelids flipped back to greet the new day, I sensed something was different. The tunnel of dust that pillared from the sunbeam arching downward to meet the wooden floor told me the world […]

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The Beginning of Everything

The age of busy has never been more prevalent than the past few weeks. It is not that I have been ‘too busy’ or that things have been cast aside for other matters. Instead, I have experienced other people in the sea of their own […]

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If you have lived on this Earth for a while, you may have experienced moments in which you felt broken. As if parts of you were floating around your own orbit in a mass of confusion. Experience may have taught you that something is inherently […]

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The sweaty, weepy work of a writer

The writer’s life is said to be lonely. Isolating. Somewhat intrepid. Alone with your thoughts and the voices in your head, shouting to be heard. Recorded. Eternalized. While I have had my share of loneliness throughout my career, I have discovered over the years that […]

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When being is more than enough

Sometimes the best thing we can do in life is nothing at all. Standing strong in the face of the storm. Observing. Watching. Casting no judgment. No shadows. No doubt. Letting things be. It is not easy watching someone you love suffer, knowing you can […]

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The crash of the ocean

Everything that happens on this Earth is in our best interest, even when it is cloaked in dark veils. Some days I wonder why, why, why. Why the injustice? Why the struggle? Why the pain of existence? And then, after a long pause, dancing between […]

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The year is ending. A new page will turn tomorrow. A new number to remember when we date letters, checks or memories. We ascribe meaning to the flip of the calendar. It gives us a sense of renewal, of hope to do things differently. To […]

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