Sleep on It
Sleep is essential, yet many of us don’t get the kind of quality sleep we need to be at our best. Since we spend one-third of our lives on a mattress, wouldn’t it make sense to get a good one? My life partner got a […]
Sleep is essential, yet many of us don’t get the kind of quality sleep we need to be at our best. Since we spend one-third of our lives on a mattress, wouldn’t it make sense to get a good one? My life partner got a […]
Florida. White beaches. Rolling waves. The smell of sea salt tickling your nose. It is a beautiful place, a warm haven for ‘snow birds’ who come down from the North for a winter reprieve. Ironically, it is also one of the places where employees take […]
Monday mornings have a bad reputation. It’s not Monday’s fault that it begins the work week. Yet most people would say they have a funny feeling when Monday comes around. A subtle sense of reluctance sets in. But why? Monday is just one day out […]
One of my favorite things to do is to doze in the morning until I’m fully awake. It can sometimes take hours as I lay in an alpha state, dreaming of intense things while thinking any minute I’ll get up, only to turn on my […]
Every 90 minutes a new need for Slow is born. That is, according to recent research that states our adult minds work optimally for an hour and one-half, then we need a break. A quick nap, says University of California at Riverside professor Sara Mednick, […]
It never ceases to amaze me how selective our memories can be. My best friend remembers things from our school days that I can’t even conjure up in a dream. I have no recollection whatsoever of some experiences, while she can’t remember other things I […]
It’s one thing to take a day off on the weekend, but entirely another when you decide to take a mid-week break. For those of you new to The Power of Slow, it may seem like a daunting task to even consider taking a day […]
Have you ever spent what felt like hours at the airport gate desk, trying to wrangle a new seat assignment because you discovered too late that your seat is right next to the lavatory on an overcrowded flight? For those of you who travel long […]
Air travel leaves me with a blend of thrill and fear. There’s something remarkably impossible about lifting people into the sky for a few hours, only to land safely on the other side of the world. When packing, I usually reach a point where I […]
In its July/August 2009 issue, Experience Life magazine covers a most intriguing topic about the importance of time-outs in our lives. It is a scientific facts that our bodies need a rest after only 90 minutes of focused head work. According to psychobiology researcher Ernest […]