Driven to Distraction

Back in my high school days, my pokey Chemistry teacher doubled as our driver’s ed instructor. Clipboard in hand, side hairs carefully placed over his balding orb, he would patiently smile, take a deep breath and invite two students at a time to drive him first […]

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Wednesday Wait a Minute!

In my new Wednesday Wait a Minute! video series, I will be exploring timely topics that will help you take one minute to pause. This week’s video looks at texting drivers and what we can do to reclaim the road with both hands. [youtube=]

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Supertasking ~ Mutant or Milestone?

Many thanks to my dear friend, Kate Rander, for pointing out a recent article in Time magazine entitled “Supertaskers: Why Some Can Do Two Things at Once“. After reading Alice Park’s piece, I went to the primary source, as I am always curious about what […]

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Multitasking Madness

Just because you’re educated, doesn’t mean you’re smart. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the higher your education level, the higher the risk associated with cell phone use and text messaging while driving. In fact, in Matt Richtel’s New York Times article “Driver […]

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