When to say “That’s enough!”

Boundaries ~ the line in the sand that ushers children into adulthood. When my daughter asked why she couldn’t have a mother who said ‘yes’ to everything, I said, “Because you deserve a mother who loves you.” Blank stare. Non-comprehending stance. Arms parked in a […]

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Forest Bathing

The Japanese are at it again. No, I’m not talking about their being replaced by China as the second largest world economy. I’m referring to their most interesting way of looking at life, Nature and well-being. The other day I stumbled upon a New York […]

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On Savoring

According to research in the area of positive psychology, savoring can literally expand our sense of time. It is the scooping up of life moments that gives us meaning. If you’ve ever watched a show such as American Idol, the winners will tell you it […]

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How to Get More Free Time

Free time doesn’t have to be expensive because it is indeed ‘free’. The first step to having more free time is to decouple your understanding of time as money. When thinking that time equals money, they treat time as if it were very expensive. In […]

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Life Lessons from Yoga

Yoga Living magazine’s Robert Butera provided these great lifestyle tips disguised as how to get more out of your yoga practice. He recently authored the book The Pure Heart of Yoga: Ten Essential Steps to Personal Transformation. Honestly, you can apply these tips to your […]

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Digital Drama

The veiled powers of slow were at work once again today. Actually, it started yesterday when I decided to spend the morning with a friend. Her husband had just moved to China for a six-month assignment. I thought I’d cheer her up and invite her […]

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Back to Nature – for Kids

Go outside! I shout that at least once a day. What is a pariah to my kids, is the saving grace to my mental health and, as it turns out, theirs, too. The Ad Council and the U.S. Forest Service have created a campaign to […]

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Techno Shock and the Time of My Life

Establishing a positive relationship with time sometimes requires we go out on a limb, such as taking risks to try new things while spending the units in our personal bank account of time wisely. Yesterday I took a drum aerobics class for the heck of […]

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