Forest Bathing

The Japanese are at it again. No, I’m not talking about their being replaced by China as the second largest world economy. I’m referring to their most interesting way of looking at life, Nature and well-being. The other day I stumbled upon a New York […]

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Quick Tips for Healthy Living

It doesn’t take much, but it does take something to live a healthy lifestyle. According to a recent report by the German health insurance company DKV and the Cologne University for Sports Studies, one in seven Germans lives an unhealthy lifestyle, which is defined as […]

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Focus Fridays ~ Yogic Focal Point

We all know a good stretch can get the blood coursing through our veins and into our heads for some serious focus time. Kelly Wood, a Los Angeles-based yoga instructor who teaches kids a method called Hi Yoga, shared with me some of her tips […]

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Slow Travel

That smooth and silky road of leisurely travel is one we all hope to embrace at some point in the year. As some people’s summer vacations end and others’ begin, we are reminded that taking the slow road is sometimes the most relaxing of all. […]

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On Savoring

“Can we talk later?” My Munich friend breathed into the phone. She had just come off a three-week marathon music tour. She said she needed time to digest all that had happened over the past few weeks so we agreed to put off our conversation […]

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Taking the Suck out of Time

Our collective urgency, fear and yearning to stuff more into our day are merely symptoms of a much larger issue: how we relate to time itself. Establishing a positive relationship with time is a lot like investing. You have to give something to get a […]

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