The Bud Before the Bloom

The light hit my face with an intensity I hadn’t felt in months as the sky filled the world with a new kind of preciousness. Spring had finally come. Do you know the feeling that you are about to burst with something completely new, utterly […]

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The Story of an Orchid

Sometimes we must die to be born again. Even the most fragile of us can be resurrected. It just takes the right conditions. This past June my orchid languished in record temperatures while I lounged in the French sun. It wasn’t fair. It was careless. […]

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The Infinite Universe

For the past year, I have shared the “top thing to do today” on Facebook. As with most inspired writing, I have no idea where it comes from, but I know it has to be said. Now, here are some of the highlights — in […]

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Let There Be Rain

If we only ever wanted sunshine, we’d never get rainbows. Rain brings the Earth to life. It is essential to our existence. And yet we resist rain  — we complain about it as if it really weren’t necessary. It messes with our plans. We resent […]

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Friday – In Pictures

A picture speaks a thousand words. And because my super-duper webmaster finally fixed the bug that made my blog sick (and pictureless), I am honoring his efforts by posting a few of my favorite snapshots today. Enjoy the view! I gave my best friend this […]

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Your Secret Place

The holiday season is meant to be a basket of joy, but I am getting the sense that many people are more on edge than usual. On those days when life gets out of hand, expectations mount and stress spills into your bloodstream, it is […]

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Beauty in the Strangest Places

Forget the Fountain of Youth. According to Franz Kafka, “[a]nyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every age of life really never grows old.” If we look about us, we can find beauty everywhere ~ in the gentle lilting fluff of a six-month-old […]

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Dance Between the Raindrops

Yesterday I got caught in two rainstorms. In my old, pre-Slow life, I may have found that to be problematic at best. But now I take it, take it all, with a blissful acceptance that everything is meant to be. And to be offered an […]

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Living at the Pace of a Deep Breath

Summer invites Slow Living: the warmth, the cadence of the ocean waves, the sparkle of the water as you devour your favorite dish. It gives school children pause before entering the next grade; it gives adults an excuse to stand still for a moment. The […]

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In Deep Water

Cruising along the Danube from Linz to Passau with the top down and my spirits high, I realized how tenuous life can be. Just a few weeks prior to that moment, the entire road I was driving had been covered in several tons of water. […]

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